Ask 5 Ques
Ask Expert by PavitraJyotish

INR 1475

Ask 5 Question - By Pt Umesh Chandra Pant, Chief Astrologer


Ask Five Questions For Answers That Would Succeed You In Your Life If you want to ask for personal solution that is reliable and related to the core issue of your life, we will be glad to extend to you our best help. All you have to do basically is to ask five questions of your desire to our astrologer and you will be provided reliable solution then and there. During consultation with the astrologer that usually takes half an hour or more depending on the questions asked, we provide best solutions as per the principles of Vedic astrology. Ask for question horoscope chart, ask question astrology or even ask personal problems, we assure you of hassle free and prompt astro solution aiming to help you ease out your situations well. Manually Analysed and Hand-written by Expert Astrologer, Delivery: 72 Hours Your Report Will Contain: 1. Astrological Details of your Horoscope chart 2. Astrological analysis of your situation 3. Response to your 5 questions 4. How to make use of this report 5. Lucky measures to benefit to you (Lucky number, days, metal, time, direction & gemstone) 6. Mantra and Puja Remedies 7. Accurate remedial measures for your problems (Lucky Yantra & Rudraksha) 8. Important tips to make situations easier for you
