Career Ask
Career Horoscope by PavitraJyotish

INR 1062

Career Ask 3 Question - By Pt Umesh Chandra Pant, Chief Astrologer


Career Ask 3 Questions – Detailed Guidance And Suggestions For Success If you want to play your way on to the top in your career and but don’t know how to get there, all you can do is to go for our career astrological guidance. Ask 3 career questions and find their best and accurate answers from our renowned astrologer. In solutions that we offer include career guidance offered to you based on your questions and analysis done by the astrologer. Get proper career astrological remedies for your career related problems during consultation with our expert astrologer. Study of career horoscope is done in order to ensure to find better solution to your troubled situation. Manually Analysed and Hand-written by Expert Astrologer, Delivery: 72 Hours Your Report Will Contain: 1. Astrological Details of your Horoscope chart 2. Astrological analysis of your situation 3. Response to your question 4. How to make use of this report 5. Lucky measures to benefit to you (Lucky number, days, metal, time, direction and gemstone) 6. Impact of the Ascendant 7. Impact of the Moon Sign 8. Mantra and Puja Remedies 9. Accurate remedial measures for your problems (Lucky Yantra and Rudraksha) 10. Important tips to make situations easier for you
